About Me

Founded in 2008, EMORG is a community-based nonprofit organization providing educational resources to the residents of the Kisongo Village area in Arusha, Tanzania.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Construction Update 7/25/11

Hello friends!

Our friends at Arusha's own Star Engineering Company have been hard at work digging the foundation and building up the walls of the new library and classrooms:

The "foundation" of learning

Unloading bricks onto the site

Over the past few weeks, construction has been moving quickly! After a successful fundraiser at local restaurant Via Via (more on that later!), we were able to begin building the walls of the building. In the foreground of this photo you can see the larger building for the new classrooms; in the background it is possible to see the edge of the new library.

We hope to keep you updated every step of the way. Keep your eyes peeled for more photos on how construction of EMORG's own facilities is progressing.


The EMORG Team

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Karibu EMORG!

Who We Are

A warm welcome to the EMORG Blog! EMORG (Education Model Organization) is a registered Tanzania nonprofit founded in 2008 for the improvement of education in the Kisongo Village area of the city of Arusha, Tanzania.

EMORG, composed of a diverse team of locals and international volunteers, is constantly evaluating how to improve its services and resources. This blog will be used to keep our many friends up to date on EMORG's activities and progress and introduce newcomers to our mission.

What We Do

In Tanzania, primary school is taught in the country's official language, Swahili; however, secondary school is taught exclusively in English. As English instruction in primary schools is often weak, once students reach secondary school and are expected to conduct all of their lessons in English, many lose hope and give up on their education. Founded by a group of fifteen locals who recognized this dire need for improvement, especially in remote village areas, EMORG established a community library in the Kisongo Village area of Arusha.

1. Community Library

The library provides Swahili and English books in a wide range of subjects for students of all ages to use for a small yearly fee (approximately 2.2 USD for primary school students and 3.5 USD for secondary school students and teachers). This fee is used exclusively for the retention of books; and with enough funding EMORG hopes to eliminate these fees entirely.

2. Teacher Training

EMORG also began providing teacher training courses in an effort to improve English instruction and teaching methods. Most secondary schools in the area employ rote learning techniques and lose many students on account of this methodology. EMORG hopes to shine a light on the latest theories and methods for effective, engaging education.

3. Nursery Schooling

This past year, EMORG has begun classes for its new nursery school, serving twelve children last year and seven children this year. With the growth of facilities EMORG hopes to serve more students in this capacity. As of now, a nursery school education at EMORG is free; starting next year, EMORG hopes to arrange sponsorships for its nursery students in order to sustain programming. It is EMORG's belief that a well-rounded education begins at a young age.

Planning for the Future

Currently, EMORG rents the first floor of a small building in Kisongo. In order to better provide services, EMORG has purchased a plot of land a few minutes' walk from the rented site, on which construction of a new library and nursery school has very recently begun. Currently EMORG serves a total of 140 students, seeing an average of 50 students daily. As the program continues to grow, EMORG will need more space and resources to meet the needs of the Kisongo Village and the surrounding areas.

To the right of this post you will see a "Contact Us" section. Feel free to post a comment below, mention us on your social networking site of choice, or shoot us an e-mail at emorg2008@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!


The EMORG Team